Please see below the AGM Invitation Letter. H&IOWLDC AGM Invitation 08.05.19 Please see below the AGM explanation form: Explanation Letter Please see below the Nomination Form to stand for election to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight LDC - nomination deadline the 20th March 2019: H&IOW LDC NOMINATION FORM 31.1.19 … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2019
New Joint BDA and H&IOW LDC Event: Resilience and Time Management
Clinical Management of Dental and Maxillofacial Trauma in the Primary and Secondary Care Settings – QAH Dental Study Club
The QAH Dental Study Club are happy to announce the next lecture in their series is now open for booking. Following the success of both lectures held in 2018, the QAH Dental Study Club is looking to present further lectures throughout the course of 2019 for local dental professionals in the Hampshire & IOW regions. The latest lecture will cover the topic of “Clinical … [Read more...]