Dear All,
It is with great regret and disappointment that I have to notify you that the H&IOW LDC Conference arranged for this coming Saturday has been postponed to September 2020.
The LDC has come to this decision based on Governmental/WHO advice and common sense. As you can imagine this is not a decision that we have taken lightly.
We feel obliged to respect the potential risks involved and as we change from the Contain to the Delay phase it is clear that social distancing is an important part of the measures that we all have to take to try to mitigate the serious outcomes of this WHO declared pandemic. We are aware that some individuals are more at risk than others and we are aware of some delegates that have potential for comorbidity outcomes.
Please accept my sincere apologies to you all and I am mindful of all the hard work put into this Conference by Speakers and the organisers.
We hope that you can forgive this necessary action and that you can support this Conference in September 2020. We have re booked the Conference for Saturday the 26th September 2020 in the Chilworth Manor Hotel .
Please save the date
Kindest Regards
Honorary Secretary of the Hampshire and IOW LDC