Male Allyship and Inclusion with Lee Chambers
Mon 24 April: 1-2pm
Lee Chambers invites us to look at the impacts of gender inequality, how it affects men too and the common misconceptions around male allyship.
During the hour, Lee will be sharing his journey, how to be an effective ally and better leader/partner/colleague.
You can watch the previous session on Men’s Mental Health on the People Portal – it was a great session.
Lee Chambers is a British psychologist, entrepreneur and speaker. He is the founder of PhenomGames and Essentialise Workplace Wellbeing. He was inducted as a Kavli Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences in 2023.
Say hello to EDNA
Come and learn about EDNA (Employee Disability and Neurodivergent Advice service) and how it can support you and your team. This session will have a short section focusing on being a supportive manager.
We hope to see you there!
Say Hello to EDNA sessions Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
Menopause meet-ups
Virtual meet-ups provide a safe space to talk about menopause. Menopause Meet-ups are for everyone, whether you are experiencing the menopause yourself or supporting someone who is, because menopause matters.
There is no set agenda, just an opportunity to share experiences and support each other over a virtual cuppa.
We hope to see you there!
Thursday 27 April @ 10am
Sign up on Eventbrite:
Menopause Resilience – The Mindful Menopause Mindset with meditation expert Laura Coleman
Conversations on the Menopause can often centre on the struggles and changes during this transition. This session will focus on creating a new mindset and perspective that can help women to overcome challenges but also be ready to thrive and embrace this next stage of life.
You’ll be guided through an alternative perspective on the menopause, with a helpful framework to move from menopause misery to menopause mastery.
You’ll experience some simple practices and discussion to understand the psychology behind a mindful mindset, how it can support your wellbeing and how to thrive.
Sign up here: Menopause Resilience – The Mindful Menopause Mindset with Laura Coleman Tickets, Thu 27 Apr 2023 at 12:00 | Eventbrite