On behalf of NHS England
Please see below information on NHSmail and the importance of keeping it active:
Currently user accounts that are not proactively used have 90 days before being classed as inactive.
If there is still no activity (while in the inactive state) for a further 90 days (total 180 days), the account is deleted.
Both the active and inactive periods are being reduced to 30 days, therefore accounts that are not proactively used for 60 consecutive days will be deleted.
Once the account is deleted; it can be restored within 30 days by contacting : National Administration Service (NAS) – NHSmail Support If the account is not restored within this final 30 days, the account is permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
What do I need to do?
Undertaking at least one of the followin
g activities every 30 days will keep your NHSmail account active:
- Log into the NHSmail portal
- Log into O365 application
- Use O365 applications (i.e., Outlook with cached credentials)
- Send an email
If you no longer require your NHSmail account, please contact : National Administration Service (NAS) – NHSmail Support who can process the closure of your account.