Following a drop in reported cases over the Christmas period, norovirus activity has increased again and is now very high, with laboratory confirmed cases more than double the 5-season average for the last three weeks. The number of outbreaks has also increased and is significantly contributing to NHS pressures. When talking to patents with symptoms of norovirus (diarrhoea … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2025
Primary Care Bulletin – National dental workforce collection – annual collection closing soon
The latest from the Primary Care Bulletin, 13th February, Issue 327: The new annual collection of dental workforce data will close at midnight on 17 February 2025. As this is the first annual collection, with data already collected across January to 31 March 2024, the collection will cover April to December 2024. The e-form to complete the national dental workforce … [Read more...]
Important – Associate payment scam
On behalf of the British Dental Association (BDA) An LDC has alerted the BDA to a financial scam that is being reported by practices in Lancashire and South Cumbia in the North West region. To ensure that practices in other regions don’t fall victim, the BDA are sharing some details so that you can disseminate a warning to colleagues in your area. The … [Read more...]
HIOW Health & Wellbeing offers
It's time to put your wellbeing first. (Even when you're under pressure, time is short, and your colleagues are stressed too...) When you join the Work Well Programme you’ll get access to a full set of tools and resources designed to support your wellbeing at work – no matter how busy things get. Learn how to beat stress and prevent burnout, set boundaries to keep you happy … [Read more...]
Smoking and vaping update for dental teams
Please see below the latest update on Smoking and vaping for dental teams. The was written by Victoria Niven, StR in Dental Public Health has put this together with Jason Mahoney (OHID SE Smoking cessation lead), and Jeyanthi John: SE Tobacco and Vaping update for dental teams … [Read more...]