The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Dental Committee is a democratic body comprised of 24 dentists elected by dentists. This LDC is an established conduit of information and consultation between NHS England and NHS dentists.
The LDC is the in statute representative committee recognised by NHS England-South (Wessex) within Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. The LDC’s legal status and relationship with NHS England is underpinned in legislation (NHS Act 1977 section 45B, the Health and Social Care Act 2003 and the National Health Services Act 2006 as amended by the Health and Social Care Act 2012).
The role of the LDC is essentially important in the new national system of clinically led commissioning, but where some key decisions are taken at a local level. It is important that dentists are represented on all the local strategy making bodies by their elected representative(s) in the Hampshire and Isle of Wight LDC.
This LDC encourages representation from all local dentists as we fulfil our constitutional obligations which include regular elections to our committee.