Please below the latest Atlases of Health variation publications for Head and neck cancer from the ICB this link contains the full documentation and meta data: The Atlases of Health Variation Publications The Atlas documents and data describes geographical variation and inequalities in head and neck cancer incidence, mortality, late-stage diagnosis and routes to … [Read more...]
Primary Care Bulletin – Golden hellos’ for dentists
The latest Primary Care Bulletin, 24 October 2024, Issue 313. NHS England published guidance earlier this year for dentists who are interested in securing ‘golden hello’ funding to support their recruitment efforts. The scheme is designed to encourage relocation to areas that have historically struggled to recruit, attract new workforce to the NHS, and retain those who … [Read more...]
Primary Care Bulletin – Evaluation of New Patient Premium (NPP) – give us your views
The latest Primary Care Bulletin, 18 October 2024, 312 has been released. This includes information the New Patient Premium (NPP): NHS England is seeking volunteers, particularly dental therapists and hygienists, to participate in focus groups as part of the NPP evaluation. NHS England would like to hear from contractors, associates, dental therapists, dental hygienists and … [Read more...]
Primary Care Bulletin – Webinar for supply and administration of medicines by dental hygienists and dental therapist
Please see below the latest Primary Care Bulletin, 10 October 2024, 311. This contains information on the publication of guidance on the supply and administration of medicines by dental hygienists and dental therapists, a webinar was held to outline the steps contractors, dental hygienists and therapists could take to prepare to work to exemptions. Please follow This is … [Read more...]