BDA GDPC: 04.02.21
- GDPC-Abatement figure for Q1 16.75% should be around 12.5%, equates to £725 per 100k of contract and will be collected April, May, June and July. Q4 16.75% is not appropriate because of ongoing and significant costs, 55% variable costs are not equal to 16.75% of abatement/contract value. Need bespoke national template to identify mitigating circumstances for the end of year contract reconciliation process. BDA is looking to provide a list of mitigating factors. In Q4 BSA hosting the recording of activity for every practice at provider and performer level. In Q2 and Q3, 97% practices achieved 20% but 215 in GDS and 53 Orthodontic practices did not reach the minimum target.
- Quality of some PPE poor and cannot always source some items eg poor quality masks, aprons and a shortage of extra small gloves.
- Private practice committee much quieter, still little support for Private Practitioners. PPs have been very resilient. Use of the furlough scheme has been successfully implemented by many practices including those with a private/NHS mix in activity.
- Vaccination of dental teams is going well. Patients may insist that staff are vaccinated. However, this is not a CQC requirement. Difficult process for many dentists to become vaccinators.
- Integration of care – Integrated Care Systems, Primary Care Networks and an excellent well-balanced report from BDA. This is the commissioning future for 2022 as these organisations become legal entities.
- BDA strategy for the next 3 years delayed.
- Past Orthodontic procurement and Executive meetings with NHSE/OCDO have been generally acrimonious but going forward apologies have been received and they trying to work more proactively. One meeting in five will be dedicated to orthodontic matters.
- DDRB Report. BDA has fed in 36 papers.
- SNOMED imminent implementation discussed with the hope that this will be postponed once more. Implementation due 1st April 2021. This has been on the agenda since 2010 picked up 2016. Philosophy is a universal coding system (311,000 codes with 6 different codes of extraction) in 36 countries worldwide. It will increase the collection of data so that healthcare can be shaped. Fully integrated management software eg SOE mapped across to a SNOMED code. It will create more work (1 minute extra per patient) and will not help the BSA. A recent webinar invitation was sent out to 4000 potential delegates and 14 watched it. 85% of those that have SNOMED turn it off. The CDO feels that changes and training will not be necessary but SOE have an opposite opinion. Non-compliance may incur breach notices as it forms part of requirements embedded in the H&SC Act.