Local Dental Networks
The Wessex LDN provides a clinically led commissioning steer to the local commissioners to support improvements in oral health and to ensure that these services are effective. The LDN’s role is shaped by the diverse and complex local population’s oral heath services requirements that are influenced by available resources. The H&IOW LDC has a single voting member on the Core Group of the Wessex LDN and up to three local GDPs may also attend LDN core meetings.
NHS England – South (Wessex) is responsible for commissioning all NHS dental services within Hampshire, Dorset and the IOW. Clinical leadership to support commissioning is provided by the Wessex Local Professional Network (Dental) (LDN). There are also Local Professional Networks for eye care and pharmacy. The LDN includes all dentists and their teams within Wessex and is led by a core group representing both Primary and Secondary care and the LDCs. In addition there are Managed Clinical Networks (MCN) for Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Special Care Dentistry and (soon to be launched) Restorative Dentistry. The MCNs are there to provide specialist expertise, support and advice to members of the network and to the LDN.
The current Wessex LDN Chair is Mr Nick Forster GDP. Nick is supported by Verna Easterby-Smith as Clinical Commissioning Lead. If you are interested in becoming involved with LDN or MCNs or wish to contact either Nick or Verna they can be contacted via Lian Harris telephone 0113 8253276.
How to Access the Extranet
The LDN are launching their new extranet on 7 April 2017. The extranet will be a ‘one-stop shop’ for all information in relation to NHS dental services in Wessex including referral pathways and referral forms, newsletters, meeting and courses etc. In order to access the extranet please email Lian Harris, Local Professional Network Business Manager: [email protected] and you will be given appropriate log in information.
Local Dental Network Conference 27th June 2017
Please see below the presentation slides from the latest Local Dental Network Conference:
LDC Conference Dental Education: Present and Future
Step Change In Commissioning Dental Check By 1
Managed Clinical Networks
These are specialist-led groups that include GDP representation and their purpose is to feed clinically led commissioning information into the LDN. The MCNs oversee specialist dental services and consider referral strategies and systems and thereby feed their advice and recommendations into the LDN and the Dental Commissioning Group within the NHS local office. All the MCN Chairmen sit on the LDN. The H&IOW LDC has representation on all the various MCNs that currently meet to consider NHS, orthodontic, restorative, oral surgery, periodontal, special care, urgent care services